Whole 30


I’m (unsuccessfully) fighting a cold right now, so this one will be short. I’ve always been “girthy” (Chris loves when I use that word), and we had some success last year with calorie restriction for our friends’ wedding (pictured above), but we are having trouble getting back to it.

We agreed that we needed a restart of sorts, and we stumbled upon the Whole 30. I have struggled with allergies for years and years, so I am really curious to see what sort of impact (if any) this month of clean eating will have on those.

Grocery shopping was supposed to be Tuesday, but as of this writing (it’s a delayed posting!), I may have to send Chris alone, which is sad because I love all shopping and she isn’t a fan.

I’m more than a bit nervous that I won’t be able to do it, but I tell myself it’s only for a month. I have quit smoking (seven years ago in March), quit aspartame and sucralose, and quit my anxiety medication (during a very difficult break-up, no less), and I try to remember that if I can do those things, I can certainly do clean eating for a month…and then mostly clean eating during several days of reintroduction.

The benefits of this could be amazing, and it’s definitely worth the effort. It helps not going through it alone, that’s for sure. We will be on opposite shifts for most of it, which almost entirely sucks, except there will be less “let’s get ice cream because ice cream!” temptation.

All in all, I think it will be worth it, but it sure is intimidating from the 36-hours-out viewpoint.

Fingers crossed!

P.S. I went to the store. I survived. So far.

10 Years in the Making

Chris and I met in 2001 at a job we started within a month of each other. I thought she was cute but young — SO young with her “I just turned 21” to my extremely mature 24 years on this earth. Talking to her made me nervous, just like with most attractive women I was around. It’s really amazing that I ever dated anyone, really.

We sat near each other at work for a while, before she moved to a different shift. We talked sporadically, I think, though by now, both of us only remember the awkward, bad conversations. Of course. We became friends, sort of. Friendly, at least, with her inviting me to all of the many, many parties she had, but me only attending one. It was momentous, though, complete with me getting in trouble from my then-girlfriend for leaving so late, force-kissed by some drunk girl, and “what’s it like being a lesbian” interrogation from one of her friends. We still talk about it on occasion. I wore a pretty awesome t-shirt to it.

I tried for years to figure out if she liked girls. I mean, tried in the sense of thinking “I wonder if she likes girls” and then doing nothing about it. She said a few offhand things along the way that weren’t enough to make me know one way or the other, but enough to make me curious.

All throughout this, I was dating someone or another. I seem to have been trying to make up for years of non-dating with years of serial monogamy.  She didn’t date much, something I never understood, being that she was perfect and all. But whatever. We would sporadically run into each other, highlights of which include actual plans to meet up at a bar (when we ran into a drunken co-worker) and a midnight run-in at an Eat ‘N’ Park a long way away from where we both lived. When she moved to Spain…then North Carolina…then back to Pittsburgh, we kept in touch, but it was when she moved to Los Angeles that we really started talking a lot.

A couple years later, on a visit home to Pittsburgh for family festivities, I decided to ask her out, just to get it out of my system. It had been ten years of knowing and liking this girl. It was time. I’d ask her, she’d say no, we’d stay friends, and we’d laugh about it later. Well…she said yes, much to my surprise. I was so nervous in the weeks leading up to the asking that I could hardly eat — something pretty unusual, to say the least — and I think I lost about 10 pounds. On the actual date, we were both so nervous that we had to postpone dinner until after our trip to Mount Washington because we thought we’d be sick if we tried to eat.


I don’t want to give too much away, but it was a really good date.

New blog!



The first post is always the hardest.

I’ve been saying for months to my lovely fiancée, Chris, how much I miss blogging. I’m at home today because we are getting some of the very old windows in our house replaced, and I’m pretty much stuck upstairs with three computers and nothing to do. So…blog.

I was engaged about five years ago, and though it didn’t work out, I discovered a lovely community at So You’re EnGAYged, a (sadly) now defunct gay-wedding website. I ended up blogging for them for several months about our wedding planning until, suddenly, there was no more wedding to plan. Signing on as a volunteer with the site helped keep me busy and helped keep hope that maybe I would someday actually get married. I knew that the break-up would be for the best, and I hoped better things were on the horizon.

Fast-forward a few years, and here we are. So. Much. Better.

Chris and I got engaged in November of 2013 here in Pittsburgh — it was supposed to be in December in Germany, but more about that later — and we’re trying to plan a wedding that combines traditional and nontraditional; update our very old house so it fits our modern, nerdy style; keep our giant cat, Graham, from turning on us; and find time to do all of this within a ridiculous schedule that somehow seems to fill up without either of us trying.

Obviously, recording each step of this is clearly the way to go.